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'The Plan For Drivers'

We have reviewed the DfT's plan to see how the use of CCTV and access to DVLA data may be involved? (Applies to England)

We have extracted some sections from the DfT's 'The Plan for Drivers' below. Some points may impact your current operations, your income or surplus generation potential and others offer opportunities to both CCCTV Centres and our business partner members with technological development opportunities.

There’s nothing wrong with driving.

Most of us use a car and, for many, life would not be liveable without their car. For those in rural areas, it is a lifeline. A car can hugely expand the independence of a younger person, as well as keep older people connected to key services and their families.

Walking, cycling and public transport are necessary in a multi-modal transport system and we support their continued growth, but they are not the right choice for everyone’s journey. Being pro-public transport does not mean being anti-car. The easy political choice is to vilify the private car even when it’s been one of the most powerful forces for personal freedom and economic growth in the last century. Used appropriately and considerately, the car was, is, and will remain a force for good.

It is not right that some drivers feel under attack.

Stopping unfair enforcement

13. Stop local authorities using so-called “15-minute cities” to police people’s lives. Consult on measures including the removal of local authorities’ access to Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) data to enforce such schemes by camera.

15. Fair fines. Strengthen government and sector-led guidance on enforcement of moving traffic offences, such as entering yellow box junctions, to ensure consistency and stop drivers from being penalised unfairly.

16. Take the profit out of traffic enforcement. Call for evidence on options to restrict local authorities’ ability to generate surpluses from traffic offences and over-zealous use of traffic enforcement powers.

Inconsiderate driving

22. Quieter neighbourhoods. Allow local councils to roll out noise cameras to target unacceptable vehicle modifications.

23. Cleaner roads. Clamp down on roadside littering, extending the trial on camera enforcement across the strategic road network.

What we are doing next

To ensure that future interventions on local roads carry the support of the local people, we will:

  • stop local authorities using so-called “15-minute cities” to police people’s lives. We will consult on measures including the removal of local authorities’ access to DVLA data to enforce such schemes by camera

  • strengthen guidance to local authorities on the operation of bus lanes. For example, bus lanes should only operate when bus services are running, or when traffic flows are heavy enough to delay buses

  • refresh the technical advice, making it clear local authorities should use their powers to ensure bus lanes are open to motorcycles, and will launch a consultation on motorcycles using bus lanes as a default

What we have done so far

Through the Safer Roads Fund, we have invested £100 million since April 2017 in improving the top 50 most high-risk roads in England. In April 2023, we added a further £47.5 million to the fund bringing the total number of roads being improved to 83.

We conducted research into the use of noise camera technology to understand if it can be used to detect vehicles that are excessively noisy. We commissioned initial trials of a prototype noise camera in 2018, which showed some promise, but further development was needed in the ability to differentiate between individual vehicles in busier traffic conditions. We then commissioned further research in January 2022 to assess the potential of the latest technology, both on a test track and at the roadside. The research also aimed to provide recommendations on a noise enforcement limit and deployment guidance.

What we are doing next

To ensure everyone using our roads are good neighbours to those who live beside them and to the natural environment, we will:

  • tackle those who leave litter on the strategic road network by expanding a successful CCTV litter enforcement trial by National Highways

  • issue guidance to local authorities setting out minimum requirements and best practice for the use of noise cameras, sharing the findings of recent trials of this equipment

Copyright: Department for Transport, October 3rd, 2023

Review the full document here

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